Blog written by:
Dhaval Shah
SharePoint & .Net Consultant
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Recently I had to develop the PowerShell script that would create indefinite number of sub sites in SharePoint Online Site Collection so that we can test some sample & dummy data for analytics of the SharePoint Sites. I took a step forward and created a PowerShell Script which would leverage the SharePoint PowerShell CSOM libraries to create hierarchy of sub sites in the Site collection along with lists/libraries and activate the required features. Below are the functionalities that are covered in this PowerShell script
- Script will take the input from the configurable XML file and it can create the sub sites in the site collection that can be X level deep.
- Script can create the Lists and Libraries for each of the subsites
- Script can also activate the feature required for each of the subsites.
Script takes the input from the xml file so that It is configurable and It can also create sub sites that are X level deep.
This script works with SharePoint Online. You will need to make some modifications to the authentication used (replace Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials) for it to work with SharePoint on-premise.
Configure PowerShell Script
To execute the PowerShell script we will have to update the below variables located at the end of the script.
$siteCollectionUrl = ‘<Site Collection Url>’
$username = ‘< Admin Username>’
$password = ‘< Admin Password>’
Configuring the XML for creating the SubSites
PowerShell script takes the xml input of the sites hierarchy that has to be created under the site collection. Let’s say if we want to create the below Subsite hierarchy
- Site Collection
- Human Resources
- Sales
- Client 1
- Client 2
- Client 3
- Projects
- Project 1
- Team 1
- Team 2
- Project 2
- Project 3
- Project 1
- Marketing
- Accounting
- News
- Executive Blog
- CEO Blog
- Mike’s Blog
- Shen’s Blog
- Search
- Reports
- Org wiki
- Document Center
- Organization Policy
My input xml structure would look like below,
<Site Name=”Human Resources” Url=”Human-Resources” Template=”STS#0″ /> <Site Name=”Sales” Url=”Sales” Template=”STS#0″> <Site Name=”Client 1″ Url=”Client-1″ Template=”STS#0″ /> <Site Name=”Client 2″ Url=”Client-2″ Template=”STS#0″ /> <Site Name=”Client 3″ Url=”Client-3″ Template=”STS#0″ /> </Site> <Site Name=”Projects” Url=”Projects” Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″> <Site Name=”Project 1″ Url=”Project-1″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″> <Site Name=”Team 1″ Url=”Team-1″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> <Site Name=”Team 2″ Url=”Team-2″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> <Site Name=”Team 3″ Url=”Team-3″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> </Site> <Site Name=”Project 2″ Url=”Project-2″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″> <Site Name=”Team 1″ Url=”Team-1″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> <Site Name=”Team 2″ Url=”Team-2″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> <Site Name=”Team 3″ Url=”Team-3″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> </Site> <Site Name=”Project 3″ Url=”Project-3″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″> <Site Name=”Team 1″ Url=”Team-1″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> <Site Name=”Team 2″ Url=”Team-2″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> <Site Name=”Team 3″ Url=”Team-3″ Template=”PROJECTSITE#0″ /> </Site> </Site> <Site Name=”Marketing” Url=”Marketing” Template=”STS#0″ /> <Site Name=”Accounting” Url=”Accounting” Template=”STS#0″ /> <Site Name=”News” Url=”News” Template=”BLANKINTERNET#0″ /> <Site Name=”Executive Blog” Url=”Blog” Template=”BLOG#0″> <Site Name=”CEO’s Blog” Url=”CEO” Template=”BLOG#0″ /> <Site Name=”Mike’s Wisdom” Url=”Mike” Template=”BLOG#0″ /> <Site Name=”Words from Shen” Url=”Shen” Template=”BLOG#0″ /> </Site> <Site Name=”Search” Url=”Search” Template=”SRCHCEN#0″ /> <Site Name=”Reports” Url=”Reports” Template=”BICenterSite#0″ /> <Site Name=”OrgWiki” Url=”OrgWiki” Template=”WIKI#0″ /> <Site Name=”Document Center” Url=”DocCenter” Template=”BDR#0″ /> <Site Name=”Organization Policies” Url=”OrgPolicies” Template=”POLICYCTR#0″></Site> </Sites> |
Some of the popular templates available with SharePoint Online are,
No. | Template Name | Template Id |
1 | Team Site | STS#0 |
2 | Project Site | PROJECTSITE#0 |
3 | Publishing Site | BLANKINTERNET#0 |
4 | Search Site | SRCHCEN#0 |
5 | Blog Site | BLOG#0 |
6 | Business Intelligence Site | BICenterSite#0 |
7 | Wiki Site | WIKI#0 |
8 | Document Center | BDR#0 |
9 | Policy Center Site | POLICYCTR#0 |
Configuring the XML to create the Lists/Libraries
To create the lists/libraries in the subsite the XML for the site node would look something like this,
<Site Name=”Human Resources” Url=”Human-Resources” Template=”STS#0″>
<List Name=”Shared Documents” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-e717-4e80-aa17-d0c71b360101″ /> <List Name=”Policies” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-e717-4e80-aa17-d0c71b360101″ /> <List Name=”Team Photos” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-52d4-45b3-b544-b1c71b620109″ /> <List Name=”Quick Links” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-2062-426c-90bf-714c59600103″ /> <List Name=”News & Announcements” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-d1ce-42de-9c63-a44004ce0104″ /> <List Name=”Team Contact” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-7e6d-4186-9ba8-c047ac750105″ /> <List Name=”Team Calendar” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-ec85-4903-972d-ebe475780106″ /> <List Name=”Forums & Discussions” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-6a49-43fa-b535-d15c05500108″ /> <List Name=”Featured Links” TemplateFeatureId=”192efa95-e50c-475e-87ab-361cede5dd7f” /> <List Name=”Team Tasks” TemplateFeatureId=”f9ce21f8-f437-4f7e-8bc6-946378c850f0″ /> <List Name=”Organization Survey” TemplateFeatureId=”00bfea71-eb8a-40b1-80c7-506be7590102″ /> </Site> |
Above example will create the lists and libraries specified in the List node in the ‘Human Resources’ Site.
Template Feature Id attributes will take template Id of the Lists/Libraries. Below are the list of some of the OOB lists and libraries.
FeatureId | Name |
00bfea71-e717-4e80-aa17-d0c71b360101 | Document Library |
00bfea71-1e1d-4562-b56a-f05371bb0115 | Form Library |
00bfea71-c796-4402-9f2f-0eb9a6e71b18 | Wiki Page Library |
00bfea71-52d4-45b3-b544-b1c71b620109 | Picture Library |
00bfea71-2062-426c-90bf-714c59600103 | Links |
00bfea71-d1ce-42de-9c63-a44004ce0104 | Announcements |
00bfea71-7e6d-4186-9ba8-c047ac750105 | Contacts |
00bfea71-ec85-4903-972d-ebe475780106 | Calendar |
00bfea71-6a49-43fa-b535-d15c05500108 | Discussion Board |
192efa95-e50c-475e-87ab-361cede5dd7f | Promoted Links |
00bfea71-a83e-497e-9ba0-7a5c597d0107 | Tasks (2010) |
f9ce21f8-f437-4f7e-8bc6-946378c850f0 | Tasks |
00bfea71-513d-4ca0-96c2-6a47775c0119 | Project Tasks |
00bfea71-5932-4f9c-ad71-1557e5751100 | Issue Tracking |
00bfea71-de22-43b2-a848-c05709900100 | Custom List |
00bfea71-3a1d-41d3-a0ee-651d11570120 | Custom List in Datasheet View |
00bfea71-9549-43f8-b978-e47e54a10600 | External List |
00bfea71-eb8a-40b1-80c7-506be7590102 | Survey |
4bcccd62-dcaf-46dc-a7d4-e38277ef33f4 | Asset Library |
00bfea71-f381-423d-b9d1-da7a54c50110 | Data Sources |
00bfea71-dbd7-4f72-b8cb-da7ac0440130 | Data Connection Library |
a0e5a010-1329-49d4-9e09-f280cdbed37d | Converted Forms |
2510d73f-7109-4ccc-8a1c-314894deeb3a | Report Library |
00bfea71-f600-43f6-a895-40c0de7b0117 | No Code Workflows |
065c78be-5231-477e-a972-14177cc5b3c7 | Status List |
00bfea71-4ea5-48d4-a4ad-305cf7030140 | Workflow History |
00bfea71-f600-43f6-a895-40c0de7b0117 | No Code Public Workflows |
d2b9ec23-526b-42c5-87b6-852bd83e0364 | Access App |
ea23650b-0340-4708-b465-441a41c37af7 | Persistent Storage List for MySite Published Feed |
00bfea71-2d77-4a75-9fca-76516689e21a | Custom Workflow Process |
Configuring the XML to enable the features
Some of the lists/libraries require some feature to be activated before we can create those lists/libraries. For example, to create the publishing site, we will have to activate the publishing feature at the site collection level and site level.
We can add the feature node for each of the subsite which would activate the feature of that subsite using the feature id. XML node for the feature would something like this,
Let’s say if we want to activate the publishing feature on the human resources site our XML node will look like this,
<Site Name=”Human Resources” Url=”Human-Resources” Template=”STS#0″>
<Feature Id=”f6924d36-2fa8-4f0b-b16d-06b7250180fa” Scope=”Site”></Feature> <Feature Id=”94c94ca6-b32f-4da9-a9e3-1f3d343d7ecb” Scope=”Web”></Feature> </Site> |
Scope Attribute can be used to specify if the feature is the site collection level feature or Site level feature.
Scope = ‘Site’ -> Site collection feature
Scope = ‘Web’ -> Site feature
You can find some of the sample xml files and the PowerShell script from here.
- SharePoint Metadata - October 8, 2018
- SharePoint Permission Levels - August 29, 2018
- How to Create multiple SharePoint Sites using PowerShell and XML template? - September 5, 2017
great tuto !! i like it, but i juste went to know if i can use it with SharePoint 2016 server ?
Thanks yes hope it was useful,
For SharePoint on-premises this will require quite a few changes but it could be done, mainly, the part where it connects
$Creds = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username,$securePassword)
should change to:
$Creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(‘test\user’,(Read-Host “Enter Password” -AsSecureString))
(NOTE: I did not test above but something similar should work, depending on your environment.)
Would need to be changed. This PowerShell essentially uses CSOM, which also will work with SharePoint on-premises 2013 and above.