In September 2017, Microsoft R Server got a new name to reflect changes in its design and support capacity. Going by the name Microsoft Machine Learning Server, it now supports Python Language. Furthermore, it enhanced the already existing R …
5 Use Cases of Machine Learning In Marketing
Marketers today have access to more data than ever before. To a large extent, this is the result of a shift in most organizations to prioritize data storage and use. Additionally, user data before would stop at basic information like …
Intelligent Process Automation through Machine Learning
Companies looking to maximize the benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are turning to machine learning to optimize operational and business efficiency. At present, a majority of organizations are implementing machine learning to single-task processes. However, they still rely on …
Practical Ways to Boost Business Productivity through Software Process Automation
There is no doubt that business productivity bears a direct relationship to how efficient an organization executes its strategy. Since efficient execution is at the core of productivity, then it stands to reason that to enhance productivity, optimizing execution is …
How to Know When Your Company is Ready for Machine Learning Implementation
Without a doubt, machine learning is a fascinating trend. But as is often the case with emerging technologies, the level of hype surrounding it long overtook the conversation. It is true that adding automation to the business process can enhance …
7 Exciting Use Cases of Machine Learning in Finance
The finance industry is one of the industries with the best machine learning applications. One of the reasons for this is that this industry collects a much higher volume of customer data than most. But being a naturally conservative industry, …
Leveraging Sentiment Analysis to Enhance Business Performance
For business operators, the value of consumer feedback can never be overstated. Interestingly though, the most valuable form of feedback takes place outside your organization’s walls and without your prompting. In order to harness the potential of this feedback, you …
Reshaping Your Content Management Strategy Using Machine Learning
One of the most exciting aspects of machine learning for business is its potential to redefine content management. Admittedly, this is a rather broad discipline encompassing external customer-facing processes and internally oriented ones in order to enhance operations as well …